recipe execution engine


Reimplementation of a workflow engine for recipe execution in drug production. Transition from the existing monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture including micro frontends.

Period since 08/2019 (full time)
Sector Pharma
Technologies Java/Spring Boot, Event Sourcing – AXON Framework, Oracle DB, RabbitMQ, Docker, Vue.js/Vuex, Web Components Standard, PWA, mobile First.
Roles Conception, Implementation

Mobile App GuruFlow


Guru Flow is an app that supports you in your daily yoga or Pilates practice. If you are a yoga teacher, Guru Flow can help you plan and run your courses. Touch operation, can be used completely offline, automatic cloud sync, mini-vector drawing function for graphical representation of the exercises, Google registration.

Period since 10/2019
Sector end user
Technologies Google Firebase, Vue.js/VueX/Vuetify, serverless CloudFunctions, TypeScript, Progressive Web App, mobile First.
Roles all

App spaces


Platform for automatic handling of leasing contract conclusions, incl. Marketplace connection, signing by video chat and credit check.

Period 12/2018 – 07/2019
Sector IT
Technologies KVM, vSphere, GCP, Azure, AWS, Ubuntu, Cloudinit, Ansible, Python, golang, Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Wireguard VPN, Docker, Kubernetes, Gitlab, letsencrypt/certbot, restic, consul.
Roles DevOps Engineer

Online marketplaces - automated contract conclusion


Platform for automatic handling of leasing contract conclusions, incl. Marketplace connection, signing by video chat and credit check.

Period 04/2018 – 09/2019
Sector leasing
Technologies Java 8, Spring Boot, Microservices, Angular, Camunda, Oracle, Docker, Kubernetes, ELK, Grafana, Prometheus.
Roles Consulting architecture and methods, DevOps engineer

IT emergency manual


Creation of an IT emergency manual according to BSI standard 100-4. Approx. 700 IT processes, 3 own distributed data centers.

Period 04/2018 – 11/2018
Sector insurance
Technologies none
Roles Project leader, lead author

Songs to go


App for displaying song informations on the stage. Creation of set lists, touch operation, can be used completely offline, automatic cloud sync, Facebook and Google login.

Period 10/2018 – 12/2018
Sector end user
Technologies Google Firebase, Ionic 4, TypeScript, Progressive Web App, Android App, IOS App.
Roles all

Tankcontainer Leasing - development of the core system


Development of the core application to support all business processes of the company.

Period 05/2017 – 02/2018
Sector Transport und Verkehr
Technologies Java 8, Wildfly 11, Angular, TypeScript, MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, Azure

Development of a customer portal for car management


Development of an portal for fleet management. Subjects: Vehicle configuration, cost calculation, car policies, car rental, damage report, dealer integration, recirculation market, ordering process.

Period 06/2015 - 05/2017 (full time)
Sector Car management
Technologies Tomcat, Java 7, BPMN/Camunda Workflow Manager, Apache Wicket, TopLink/eclipseLink, Oracle 11g

HTML5 App for smart home control


App for status representation and sending control commands in MQTT-based Smarthome environments. Open Source: HOMR-REACT

Period 09/2016
Sector end user
Technologies HTML5, Bootstrap, React, Apache Paho MQTT lib

Development of a new component for car management


Development of a portal for auto leasing. Subjects: Vehicle configuration, Lease rate calculation, car policies, car rental, damage report, bidding.

Period 12/2014 - 05/2014 (full time)
Sector Auto Leasing
Technologies Tomcat, Java 7, Apache Wicket, TopLink/eclipseLink, Oracle 11g

Development of a new component for car management


Replacement of a third party component. Based on Schwacke Euro 3 data, several backend services, frontend components, integration and data migration.

Period 04/2014 - 01/2015 (full time)
Sector Auto Leasing
Technologies Tomcat, Java 7, Apache Wicket, TopLink/eclipseLink, MyBatis, Oracle 11g, Drools evaluation
Roles Consultant, DevOps-Engineer

HTML5 App for musicans


App to display song informations on stage. Creation of set lists, touch operations, completely offline useable, cloud sync and share.

Period 09/2014 - 11/2014
Sector end user
Technologies HTML5, Bootstrap, Dart ( - type safe JavaScript), Google Drive API

Public portal for automotive leasing


Conception and implementation of a internet platform for car leasing. Car selection and configuration, leasing parameters, customer registration and offer creation.

Period 11/2013 - 03/2014 (full time)
Sector Automotive Leasing
Technologies Tomcat, Java 7, Apache Wicket, TopLink/eclipseLink, Oracle 11g

Client for a editorial office


Conception and implementation off a desktop application for print and digital publishing. Implementation of a WYSIWYG editor for the own data format.

Period 01/2013 - 10/2013 (full time)
Sector Publishing house
Technologies Java 7, Groovy, Griffon, JavaFX, JavaScript

EJB migration


Switch an application from EJB 2.1 to EJB 3.1

Period 02/2013 - 06/2013
Sector IT infrastructure
Technologies JBoss 7.2, EJB 3.1, JMS

Redesign development infrastructure


Switch a group of applications to a modern infrastructure. From a self developed application server to JBoss, from ant to maven, build a modern deployment and provisioning environment.

Period 01/2012 - 12/2012 (full time)
Sector Bank
Technologies JBoss 5, Java, Groovy, JON (JBoss Operation Network), Jenkins, Apache Maven

App development evaluation


Participation on the competition ‘App für Deutschland’ with an app for water flow forcasts in the north and east sea. Development of an App for plane tracking.

Period 10/2011 - 12/2011
Sector IT
Technologies Tomcat, Java 6/7, Objective C, JavaScript, HTML5, iOS, Android, Phone Gap

Dealer platform for automotive leasing


Conception and implementation to support the car dialer business processes. Car selection and configuration, leasing parameters, customer management, offers and contracts with a automated approval process.

Period 11/2010 - 09/2011 (full time)
Sector Automotive Leasing
Technologies Tomcat, Java 6, Apache Wicket, TopLink/eclipseLink, Oracle 11g

JMX based monitoring system


Conception and implementation of a system to monitor java server processes.

Period 06/2011 - 09/2011
Sector Automotive leasing
Technologies Tomcat, Java 6, Apache Wicket, TopLink/eclipseLink, JMX, H2 Database

SOA architecture consulting


Conception and implementation of a sample business process, workshop conducted

Period 07/2010 - 08/2010 (full time)
Sector print service provider
Technologies JBoss SOA Suite, Java 6, JBoss 5, JBossESB, jBPM, jUDDI, JBossWS

J2EE product development - logistics (project management)


Project management in a software product development (logistics, aircraft refueling).

Period 01/2007 - 01/2011 (full time)
Sector Software vendor, logistics, aircraft refueling
Technologies JBoss4/EJB3, JMS

Web GUI Development


Implementation of a document recherche web client application. Using the SOA.

Period 05/2006 - 12/2006 (full time)
Sector publishing house
Technologies JBoss4, WSDL, SOA, JSF, AJAX4JSF

J2EE product development - logistics


Architecture design, coaching and quality assurance in a software product development (logistics, aircraft refueling)

Period 01/2006 - 12/2006
Sector Software vendor, logistics, aircraft refueling
Technologies JBoss4/EJB3, JMS

EJB3 Development


Prepare a EJB3-infrastructure for service oriented development - online news portal (debuty project leader).

Period 09/2005 - 02/2006 (full time)
Sector publishing house
Technologies JBoss4/EJB3, WSDL, SOAP

Web service Development


Extend a ecommerce application with a web service interface.

Period 07/2005 – 08/2005 (full time)
Sector publishing house
Technologies JSP/Servlets, WSDL, SOAP

J2EE/SOA migration


Redesign a archive application for publishers. Architekture change-over to a service oriented architecture (SOA) based on J2EE and web services.

Period 02/2005 – 09/2005 (full time)
Sector publishing house
Technologies Jboss 4.0.x, Java 5.0, WSDL, SOAP



Support a senior thesis to build a standard based enterprise portal. Requirements analysis, evaluating, architecture.

Period 02/2005 – 07/2005
Sector IT
Technologies Apache Jetspeed, JSR168 Portal-API

Web development archive application


Extend a document archive application vor publishers with a new web frontend.

Period 01/2004 – 01/2005 (full time)
Sector publishing house
Technologies JSP/Servlets OracleText

Build project environments


Buildup several projekt environments. Specidication of the software development related workflows.

Period 09/2003 - 10/2004
Sector Different
Technologies BugZilla, CVS, Ant, XDoclet, Eclipse, Wiki

TopLink Coaching


TopLink consulting in a project to maintain DSL and ISDN contracts. architecture consulting and optimation.

Period 10/2003 - 01/2005
Sector TK
Technologies Oracle TopLink, Websphere AS, JMS (MqSeries, Message-broker), Oracle DB

Geodetical database


Development of a J2EE-application with web frontend to manage geodetical data.

Period 01/2003 - 12/2010, since 01/2005 project management only
Sector Authority
Technologies JBoss/Tomcat, JSP, LDAP, Informix, EJB 2.0, persistence CMP, JAAS, XDoclet, XSLT/Apache fob, evodionWAF (like Struts)

Buildup a web hosting service


Evaluation and configuration of a software environment for a web hosting service, incl. a content management system.

Period 10/2002 - 04/2003
Sector IT
Technologies Debian Linux, Apache, Bind9, MySQL, QMail, SSH, Webmin, Typo3

Buildup a trainings and consulting service


Development of a TopLink Professional Services department for training and consulting (project management).

Period 10/2002 - 12/2002
Sector IT
Technologies Oracle TopLink, Oracle 9iAS, Oracle JDeveloper

Document management


Extention of the operational business application of a leasing bank to generate and manage documents.

Conceptional work (analysing, evaluating and prototyping).

Softwaredesign og the java based serverlogic and the MSWord/VBA client (Visual Basic for applications).

Development of a XML based protocol for dataexchange. Implement the VBA parts.

Period 02/2002 - 10/2002 (full time)
Sector Bank
Technologies Java, evodion-JoKer (in house framework), Oracle TopLink, MSWord/VBA, XML, XMLSchema, MSXML, Apache Xerces

Softwarearchitecture concept


Conception of a softwarearchitecture for a Press agency. Analyse the existent applications (Oracle8i, MS-Access, Visual Basic, SQL-Forms). Development of a J2EE based prototype. Integrate Visual Basic applications via CORBA.

Evaluation of different middelware technologies.

Period 10/2001 - 01/2002 (full time)
Sector Press agency
Technologies Oracle8i, Visual Basic, OLEDB, CORBA 2.3, J2EE, Web Services (Apache- and MS SOAP)

Outside service system


Exention of a Oracle8i-Java-Application for field work. Development of a replication tool with Java/JDBC.

Period 09/2001 (full time)
Sector Authority
Technologies Oracle8i, Oracle Lite, Oracle Mobile Server

Oracle migration


Planning and implementation of a database migration of a Java/Corba application for ship data management from Open Ingres 2.0 to Orcale8i. Serveral Oracle test instances have been implemented for this purpose and the production system have been dimensioned.

Period 08/2001 (full time)
Sector Behörde
Technologies ERWin, Java/JDBC, Oracle SQL Loader, Windows NT 4.0, SunOS 2.6



Extension of an existing framework for the GUI-development. It was crucial that a dynamic structure of surface should be possible. For this the existing fixed binary exchange format must be replaced by a XML based format. Additionally all AWT-Components are changed over to Swing.

Adherence to of available Java and XML standards. In particular adherence to the model view controller concept.

Analysis of the requirements.

Design and implementation of the new base classes.

Integration into the existing framwork.

Creation of a suitable environment for application developers.

Development of a plugin concept for the flexible and modular extension of the application.

Period 01/2001 - 06/2001 (full time)
Sector Insurance
Technologies XML (exchange format), JDK1.3, jdom (Java-XML-API), JFC/Swing,JBuilder open tools API (extention interface for Borlands JBuilder),SGML/Docbook/Jade/XEmacs (for project documentation)



Planning, design and implementation of online information systems (Intranet and WEB-site).

Period 01/1999 - 01/2001
Sector IT
Technologies Linux, Apache Webserver, MySQL, Sendmail, imap, twig (Groupware), PHP3/4, JavaScript, HTML

C/Java-development, outside service system


Training and support as part of a project for the design and implementation of a field service system in an insurance company.

Development of a technical and IT concept. Business process analysis (moderation of the end-user workshops), Design of the user surfaces by means of prototyping.

Evaluation of various technologies with following consultation.

Technical project co-ordination of the team development.

Detail Design and implementation of the client application.

Implementation of a team development environment inclusive source code version system (CVS), build environment (GNU make) and the definition of organizational regulations (HowTos, news forum, distribution process, project WEB-site, documentation).

Period 06/1999 - 10/2000 (full time)
Sector Versicherung
Technologies Evaluation XML-APIs (Java, C), JSP/Servlets/JavaScript, Java WEB-Start, Java IDEs (Jbuilder, Forte4j, VisualCafe), JavaPlugins 1.2/1.3, Webbrowser Netscape (4.7x, 6.0), Internet Explorer (5.0, 5.5), div. inhouse-APIs, open-source-licences. Server section (C, DB2, AIX/SunOS, CICS/UNIKIX)

Java/Swing-development, database tool


Design, development and implementation of a universally applicable data base analysis tool.

Period 06/1999
Sector IT
Technologies Java, Swing, JDBC

Installation und configuration of a business accounting standard software


Installation and configuration of several environments of the standard software Linux-Kontor inclusive data base administration.

Period 05/1999
Sector IT
Technologies Linux, Java/RMI, JDBC, ADABAS D

Analysis, design and implementing of an ultra-thin-client network


Design, development and implementation of an IT environment to operate “ultra-thin-clients” networks with central application servers.

Period 01/1999 - 03/1999
Sector IT
Technologies Linux, standard INTEL-PC-components, EPROM development for network devices, BOOTP as boot mechanism, Linux kernel configuration and compilation, installation and configuration of various Linux applications (apache, KDE, development environments and other), UNIX shell programming (backup concept), setup of various network services under Linux (POP3, IMAP4, HTTP, FTP and other), ISDN connections to the internet and to the customer networks.

Systemanalysis and -design, Visual Basic development


Design and implementation of an information system for the integration of manufacturing data.

Period 02/1998 - 10/1998
Sector Mineral oil industry
Technologies Windows NT Server, Windows NT WS, Visual Basic 5.0, MS-SQL-Server 6.5, Rational Rose/MS-Visual-Modeller, COM, RDO, Excel-VBA-development, DEC/VMS machine for process data archiving with the standard softare CONDAS.

Systemanalysis, evaluation


Analysis of user demands for the evaluation of maintenance planning systems. Design and implementation of a preliminary solution.

Period 01/1997 - 03/1997
Sector Mineral oil industry
Technologies Standard software 'Mainplan', MS-Access for the temporary solution

VB-development, database- and GUI-design


Design, development and implementation of an application for the mass balancing of liquid stored products, including the migration of the historical data from the existing hardware platform to the new one.

Implementation of complex physical arithmetic rules, input of not electronically captured data (calibration charts) by using OCR software.

Period 04/1996 - 09/1996
Sector Mineral oil industry
Technologies Visual Basic 3.0, MS-Access, HP-3000

Script- und Databasedevelopment


Design, development and implementation of a system for the client administration.

Besides maintenance client master files the system was also used for workflow monitoring.

Period 05/1994 - 06/1995
Sector Tax consulting
Technologies Lotus Symphony macro development, dBase